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Interpolitan Money - Global Fintech Festival Highlights

Interpolitan Money

Interpolitan Money participated in the Global Fintech Festival (GFF) hosted over three days in Mumbai as a Bronze Partner.

One of the first and largest Fintech Festivals in India, with ambitions to compete alongside global events like SIBOS, which was on earlier last week in Amsterdam and Money 2020, which has its US show kicking off in Las Vegas later this month.

The GFF event was sponsored by the National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) – a regulatory body & Payment Council of India along with the Fintech Convergence Council, both being industry associations.

The objective of the event was to bring partners, clients, affiliates and associates onto one platform to interact, network and build businesses. The festival was focused on the Digital Economy Framework, keeping in mind India's growing wealth base, digital adoption, diversity and globalisation. Some of the key themes were:

  1. Central Bank Digital Currencies

  2. India Payment Ecosystem – Cards & Non-Card Rails

  3. Cross Border Payments

  4. Technology as an Enabler

One clear thing was the huge support from technology providers in India for cross-border businesses. It was a great honour to be a part of these conversations, with both our CEO, Rishi Patel and Head of India, Anoop Nair participating in panels throughout the event.

We were delighted to meet and connect with the British High Commissioner to India - Alex Ellis and the City Lord Mayor - Vincent Keaveny, who both attended GFF to support and highlight the importance of the many fintech businesses growing in each other’s domestic markets.

Here's a mini wrap-up of our team highlights at GFF.

Interpolitan Money: a truly global alternative banking solution

Interpolitan offers a comprehensive alternative banking solution. We use cutting-edge technology to handle multi-currency accounts from beginning to end, allowing clients to pay, collect and hold funds in 55+ currencies from 160+ countries.

Accelerate your international growth with named local accounts, virtual IBANs and access to FX risk management solutions.

We can open client accounts within 7- 10 working days. Funds are held in designated, safeguarded bank accounts with tier one banking partners.

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